Worth the Wait! Sound Transit’s Capitol Hill TOD Project Awarded to Gerding Edlen with us as Landscape Architect


After declaring our exclusivity over three years ago to the Gerding Edlen team for the development of four Sound Transit sites (14 acres) surrounding the new light rail station on Capitol Hill, we received the astonishing news that the team was awarded all four sites. The design team, comprising Berger Partnership, Schemata Workshop, Hewitt, PAE, and MKA, competed against fourteen local and national development teams for this district-scale, transit-oriented project to be located along Broadway and John Street. Sound Transit invited nine firms to submit detailed proposals to develop individual parcels, multiple parcels, or as master developer. Among the four proposals submitted, Gerding Edlen’s scored highest for each of the four parcels. The scores were based on the firms’ development programs, financial capacities, project approaches, and transaction structures. The proposals were also scored on how well they addressed city and neighborhood priorities established over several years of outreach and work with the community.

The vision of making “20-minute living” a reality informed the team’s design approach and the early design renderings required of Sound Transit’s RFP process. As the light rail station opens and the development is complete it will serve as a nexus of connectivity and community, comprising low income and market rate housing, a dynamic plaza to host the Farmer’s Market, a festival street, retail, and public amenities such as a community center, childcare, and a Market Hall offering small retail spaces for local businesses. Our thanks to Schemata for their determination and insight in pulling this highly skilled and innovative team together!


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